Safari Toys:
Train Prototype
The customer for this piece, Safari Toys, wanted a circus wagon body based loosely on another toy train concept so they could package it with toy animals (their specialty) in an alphabet set: i.e. W is for Wolf.
I also provided the client with a 3-D render of the product on its wooden track with a toy animal within. I created the car in 3-D Studio Max. I had the dino on a sampler disc and used it for expediency.
Before and After
On the left side, the scratchbuilt new body design with lettering plate and scale wolf miniature. On the right side, the original toy body that I was developing a replacement for.
3D Studio Max render of new design
Here is a virtual model of the newly redesigned railcar body complete with graphic plate and miniature figure ( "D" is for Dilophosaurus).
Material: Wood, styrene, pre-built chassis
Approach: Heavily Modified
Client: Safari Toys
3D Studio Max ( for render )
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