Lady Death
Kit Conversion!!!
This figure, modified from Horizon's SHE-HULK kit (which also appears in this site, see below for comparison) is CHAOS Comics' First Lady of the Underworld, LADY DEATH.
The original figure's stance was adjusted to have her right knee raised and left leg slightly altered, plus her right hand was altered to hold her sword.
Her chest and stomach were completely re-sculpted to better personify the buxom character with bare midriff including the appropriate anatomical detailing that shows beneath her stretch-spandex bikini-top, i.e. she received "plastic" surgery.
Her costume is complemented by numerous tiny skulls sculpted from Sculpey plus tiny chains.
Her sword is scratchbuilt from styrene and Sculpey. The base is handmade from particle board with scenic details and a hand-painted sign.
The Model…
Category: Figure
Genre: Horror, Comic Book
Source: CHAOS Comics' LADY DEATH
Manufacturer: Horizon Models
Scale: 1/6
Material: Vinyl Model, Spandex
Approach: Heavily Modified
Client: Personal Friend
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