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Raymond G. Potter

Destination Moon: Luna

This is the spaceship LUNA from the 1950 sci-fi film DESTINATION MOON. Look closely and you'll spot one tiny astronaut climbing the ladder, while another watches from the campsite on the ground.

  • The kit provided a piece of 1/32" brass wire for the ladder rungs which was far too thick. I replaced it by using standard staples, each individually bent and set into hand-drilled holes. Needless to say, there are a LOT of rungs in that ladder!

The Model…

Category: Spacecraft, Diorama

Genre: Science Fiction, Film/Television

Source: Destination Moon

Manufacturer: Unknown

Scale: unknown, perhaps 1/300 or smaller based on figures' miniscule height.

Size: 10" tall

Material: Resin casting

Approach: Out of the Box

Client: Private client

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